All Courses
AllSafe Shooting Courses
The AllSafe Shooting Courses include Basic Handgun, Intermediate Handgun, Defensive Shotgun, and Urban Rifle. These courses focus on the defensive use of a firearm and encourage the necessary mindset to prevail in a lethal force confrontation. AllSafe also provides the course required by the Orange County Sheriff for CCW Permit Issuance and renewals.
Course Fees: $120 + Ammo
- AllSafe Basic Handgun
- AllSafe Intermediate Handgun
- AllSafe Advanced Handgun Tactics
- AllSafe Defensive Shotgun
- AllSafe Urban Rifle
- Orange County Concealed Carry Weapons (CCW) Permit
Course Title: CCW/NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home
- AllSafe Special Events
SkillBuilder, Pistol/Shotgun Combo, Revolvers ONLY
CCW/NRA Personal Protection OUTSIDE the Home
(Orange County CCW Permit Training)
AllSafe is proud to offer the NRA’s premiere concealed carry weapons course in the nation: the Personal Protection Outside the Home. This course is approved by the Orange County Sheriff to satisfy the state requirements for a Concealed Carry Weapons permit. Be sure to get your application approved by the Sheriff Dept. BEFORE enrolling.
Course Fees: $200 (OC CCW) / $100 (OC CCW Renewal)
NRA Instructor & Range Safety Officer (RSO) Certifications
Experienced shooters who desire to share their knowledge are encouraged to become NRA Certified Instructors. Most disciplines are 16 hours in length and require participants to demonstrate their teaching skills and pass a written test. The training necessary to become an NRA Range Safety Officer is also available. There are specific prerequisites before attending the advanced Personal Protection courses.
Basic Course Instructor Fees: $160 / RSO fee: $120 / Personal Protection Instructor Fees: $200
- NRA Pistol Instructor
- NRA Rifle Instructor
- NRA Shotgun Instructor
- NRA Home Firearm Safety Instructor
- NRA Personal Protection Inside the Home Instructor
- NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home Instructor
- NRA Range Safety Officer (RSO) Certification
- NRA Chief Range Safety Officer (CRSO) Certification
- NRA Reloading, Metal Cartridge Instructor
AllSafe Special Events
AllSafe hosts several special events on a regular basis. The AllSafe Handgun SkillBuilder is a highly intensive practice to increase the shooters ability with their handgun. The most popular regular event is the AllSafe Handgun Challenge. Occasionally you will see the Pistol/Shotgun Combo course. The AllSafe Night Pistol Shoot is quick to sell out, so watch the schedule carefully.
Event Fees: $60
Non-Shooting Courses
Non-shooting and self-defense courses. Please check the course calendar for availability.