NRA Chief Range Safety Officer (RSO) Certification
This is one of the most advanced certifications offered by the NRA. The NRA CRSO Course is authorized to run the Range Safety Officer training classes. Candidates must be current NRA Certified Instructor or have completed the NRA’s Basic Instructor Training (BIT) before taking this course.
The CRSO must have not only extensive knowledge of the RSO program, but be familiar with range design and use. The CRSO is responsible for developing the Standard Operating Procedures for a working range. In order to accomplish this, the CRSO should be able to look at a plot of land and determine the best use of that property for shooting. This entails understanding land development, including grading and berm development for an outdoor range, or bullet proofing walls, understanding bullet trap technology, lighting and air flow for indoor ranges.
The CRSO must have practical knowledge of a range to assure 100% projectile retention, sound abatement, and good neighbor policies. The participants will be required to write an SOP during the two sessions of the class.